Yeah, Me Too.

I crave the depths. The deep work. I’m like most people though. I cling to safety while I simultaneously squirm to run and jump off a cliff into the dark unknown of the water below - all the while yelling and screaming and hollering indecipherable words that just need to get out before I try to make logical sense of them. You feel that too? That desire. Deep and visceral. Vibrating just below the surface. Fighting for space even if it doesn't logically make sense. I mean, there’s nothing inherently wrong with logic. But for me, it often seems to be the antithesis of creativity. The antithesis of authenticity. The antithesis of exploration. I’m king, queen, and joker of logically excusing myself out of remembering old stories. I talk myself out of challenging long-held beliefs. I unconsciously inhibit myself from creating anew. 

You ever find yourself pigeon-holed only to realize you did it to yourself? That you were the only thing holding you back from diving into the depths? Or maybe logic told you to trust the fear that is only subdued when your feet are still firmly on the ground? Yeah, me too. 

Fuck that.


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